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Getting Acquainted

International Covering Alliance & Licensing for Ministries, hereinafter referred to as ICLAM is a Full Gospel Spirit-filled Apostolic, Prophetic Ministerial network with members from coast to coast and in various parts of the world. Being a full gospel Spirit-filled fellowship, our affiliate members are comprised of those individuals with Evangelical, Pentecostal, and Charismatic backgrounds and experience.  “Spirit-filled” is terminology that ICALM uses to define our belief that the gifts of the Holy Spirit are still in operation today and that the Gift of the Holy Ghost is the evidence of his fullness in the believers life by the utterance of unknown tongues. All Bible-believing Christians who study the Word of God are in agreement that the gift of tongues is present in the inspired Scriptures. In the New Testament two lists of gifts appear in which the gift of tongues is included. In 1 Corinthians 12:8-11 “kinds of tongues” and “the interpretation of tongues” are sovereignly bestowed gifts of the Holy Spirit. In 1 Corinthians 12:28-30 “tongues” appears in the list of gifts. We call them “spiritual gifts” from the Greek word “charisma,” suggesting that the gift is a bestowment of God’s grace. It is not a natural ability that one might develop, but rather a special gift. The Holy Spirit is sovereign in the distribution of these gifts.

ICALM is a medium through which those of like mind, heart, and faith may work harmoniously together for the promotion of the Gospel of Jesus Christ around the world.  We believe that everybody is somebody and every ministry that is of God is important to God and for the benefit of all mankind.

Among the purposes and goals of ICALM is to assist and mentor all those called to Christian ministry through an organized, reputable network thereby promoting INTEGRITY, CREDIBILITY and ACCOUNTABILITY.

God purposed and ordained that His messengers would come together in true unity and fellowship and be ONE in endeavor with Christ as the head and being fully dependent on the Holy Spirit for guidance. ICALM exists to help meet the needs that the messengers of God cannot conveniently meet on their own. Our motto is:

Covering Without Control…Affiliation Without Assimilation…Community With True Unity!


We look forward to hearing from you and extending to you the hand of Spiritual covering and fellowship.

© 2019 by ICALM. 

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